Empowering Women in Their Fight Against Breast Cancer

You don't have to fight alone.

Together we can defeat Breast Cancer!

HER Power provides comprehensive health management coaching for women navigating the complexities of breast cancer. Regardless of the stage or diagnosis, the breast cancer journey can often feel overwhelming and isolating. While many women will face a breast cancer diagnosis, each journey is unique, with distinct challenges and needs.

HER Power is dedicated to empowering women by helping them create a personalized Battle Plan. This plan is tailored to individual goals and priorities, designed to support women in managing the day-to-day aspects of their treatment and recovery.

The Battle Plan can incorporate key strategies addressing fitness, nutrition, stress management, sleep quality, medication side effects, energy conservation, balancing work during treatment, mental health support, and more.

Think of HER Power as your Battle Coach—here to provide the guidance, training, and support you need to face breast cancer with strength and resilience. With HER Power by your side, you’ll be equipped to take on this fight with confidence and determination. Breast cancer doesn’t stand a chance.

When you get diagnosed with cancer, there's such a sense of loneliness, but what we need to know as people going through this is that you're not alone.

— Christina Applegate

About Me

 I am a Doctor of Occupational Therapy and Fitness Coach, 45 years old, married with two children, and based in Texas. In May 2023, I was diagnosed with Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma, HR+ HER2+, Stage 1. In June 2023, I underwent a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy, which revealed micro cancer cells in one lymph node, resulting in an upgrade to Stage 1b. My treatment regimen included six rounds of chemotherapy and immunotherapy (the latter of which continues for a year), followed by 21 rounds of radiation and hormone therapy, which will extend over the next five years.

With my professional background in fitness and occupational therapy, I developed a personalized “Battle Plan” to address the challenges of cancer treatment. This plan encompassed key aspects such as nutrition, fitness, stress management, balancing work and home responsibilities, and safeguarding my mental health. By having a structured approach in place, I was able to manage my day-to-day life, maintain healthy habits, and support my recovery, ensuring I could continue to focus on the things that mattered most to me. My goal was to strengthen not only my body but also my mind, so that I could actively contribute to the fight alongside my cancer care team at MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Throughout my treatment, I encountered many women who, while bravely fighting their own battles, did not have a personalized plan in place. Feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start, they often asked how I was managing so well. From these conversations, the idea for HER Power was born. My mission is to empower women to regain control of their journey, helping them develop their own “Battle Plan” so they can fight breast cancer with confidence and resilience. As your dedicated Battle Coach, I am committed to helping women wage war on breast cancer and fight for victory.

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